Terms and Conditions for Ninja Tech Ventures
This Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered on into by and between Ninja Tech Ventures, a division of 63Ideas Infolabs Private Limited (hereinafter referred to as “Ninja Tech Ventures” or “we” or “us” or “our”), and the User (hereinafter referred to as “User” or “Startup” or “You”), for the provision of technology solutions, strategic advisory services, and funding facilitation services By accepting the terms of this Agreement, the User expressly acknowledges and agrees to be bound by all provisions contained herein.
This Agreement shall be effective upon the User’s explicit acceptance of these terms and submitting the application for availing the Services provided by Ninja Tech Ventures.
This Agreement is supplemental to and shall be read in conjunction with the Ninjacart Terms and the Privacy Policy. In the event of any inconsistency or conflict, this Agreement shall prevail to the extent of such inconsistency.
This Agreement constitutes a computer-generated electronic record issued in compliance with Rule 3 of the Information Technology (Intermediaries Guidelines and Digital Media Ethics Code) Rules, 2021, read with the Information Technology Act, 2000, and does not require physical or digital signatures.
Article 1: Definitions
1.1. “Subscription Agreement”: Refers to the platform subscription agreement, implementation agreement or any other agreement that will be executed between the Users and Ninja Tech Ventures for the provision of the Services.
1.1 Credits: Refers to a virtual monetary value of upto fifty thousand United States dollars (USD 50,000), granted to the User, valid for a period of six (6) months commencing from the date of service activation as confirmed in writing by Ninja Tech Ventures. Unused Credits shall lapse at the end of this period and shall not be rolled over or refunded under any circumstances.
1.2 Platform: Refers to the technology solution developed and provided by Ninja Tech Ventures for the use of the User.
1.3 Ninjacart SCM Platform: Refers to Ninja Tech Ventures’ proprietary supply chain management system, including its modules, tools, analytics, and associated resources.
1.5 Services: Includes, but is not limited to:
(a) Deployment and access to the Platform or Ninjacart SCM Platform.
(b) Limited platform customization as deemed necessary.
(c) Strategic advisory sessions, provided on a discretionary basis.
(d) Access to analytics, reports, and platform features as defined during the service period.
(e) Facilitation of funding services for the Users.
1.6 Territory: Refers to the geographical region where the User is authorized to access and utilize the Platform, as specified in writing by Ninja Tech Ventures.
Article 2: Provision of Services and Onboarding
2.1 Submission and Review of Applications:
The User shall submit a completed application providing accurate and complete information. Ninja Tech Ventures reserves the exclusive right to review, approve, or reject any application at its sole discretion, without providing reasons. Submission of an application does not constitute acceptance, and service activation shall only occur upon execution of Subscription Agreement between the Users andNinja Tech Ventures
2.2 Activation of Services:
Services under this Agreement shall commence only upon the realization of all the below conditions :
(a) The User’s acceptance of the terms of this Agreement;
(b) Approval of the User’s Application by the Ninja Tech Ventures in writing;
(b) Execution of Subscription Agreement between the Users and  Ninja Tech Ventures specifying the details of implementation, deployment terms and conditions, date of activation and the start of the Initial Credit Period.
2.3 Initial Credit Period:
The User shall be entitled to utilize Credits upto fifty thousand United States dollars (USD 50,000) during the six (6) months of the Initial Credit Period, which includes the following services:
(a) Access to the Platform or Ninjacart SCM Platform.
(b) Deployment and limited customization of the platform.
(c) Strategic advisory services provided on a discretionary basis.
(d) Strategic Advisory Services: Advisory services shall be provided at the sole discretion of Ninja Tech Ventures, based on available data, and shall include recommendations on operational scaling and strategy. Such services shall be non-binding and limited to time or session allocations determined by Ninja Tech Ventures.
(e) Funding Facilitation: Ninja Tech Ventures may, at its discretion, facilitate introductions to MyEasyFarm has raised €2 million in Europe and plans to raise €500,000 more.MyEasyFarm has raised €2 million in Europe and plans to raise €500,000 more.potential investors or venture capitalists. However, it makes no representation, warranty, or guarantee regarding the availability, adequacy, or success of such funding opportunities.
The final amount of Credits to be assigned to the Users shall be as specified in the Subscription Agreement, which shall be determined based on the evaluation of the Application submitted by the Users.
2.4 Transition to Paid Services:
Upon expiration of the Initial Credit Period, the Users shall opt to the paid services, in order to continue the Services. The applicable fees, payment terms and the service levels shall be as mentioned in the Subscription Agreement.
Article 3: Licensing
Upon execution of the Subscription Agreement, Ninja Tech Ventures grants the User a limited, revocable, non-exclusive, and non-transferable license to access and utilize the Platform strictly within the defined Territory and solely for purposes authorized under the Subscription Agreement.
Article 8: Dispute Resolution
Disputes arising under this Agreement shall be resolved by arbitration under the rules of the Singapore International Arbitration Centre (SIAC). The seat of arbitration shall be Singapore, and proceedings shall be conducted in English. If arbitration fails, disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts in India.
Article 9: Notices
Notices under this Agreement shall be addressed to:
Email: nsp@ninjacart.com
Address: 2nd Floor, Tower E, Helios Business Park, Kadubeesanahalli, Bengaluru, Karnataka, India, 560103
Article 10: Amendments
Ninja Tech Ventures reserves the right to amend this Agreement. Amendments shall be communicated in writing.